
导读 大家好,我是小科,我来为大家解答以上问题。英语主谓宾定状补是什么,英语主谓宾定状补很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、英语...


1、英语句型结构 一.简单句: 英语基本句型-1 主系表结构:本结构是由“主语+系动词+表语”组成,主要用以说明主语的特征,类属,状态,身份等。

2、 系动词有: 1.表示特征和存在状态的 be, seem, feel, appear, look, smell, taste, sound; 2.表示状态延续的 remain, stay, keep, continue, stand; 3.表示状态变化的become, get, turn, go, run, fall, come, grow; eg: Our English teacher is thirty years old. The cake tastes delicious. The potatoes went bad in the fields. Deep water stays still. He was at work. She is in good health. It is beyond my ability. I was at a loss. You are under arrest. 英语基本句型-2 主谓结构:本结构是由“主语加不及物的谓语动词”构成, 常用来表示主语的动作。

3、 如:The sun rises. Tom has already left. 主语可有修饰语-定语,谓语可有修饰语-状语。

4、 如: 1. The red sun rises in the east. 2. They had to travel by air or boat. 3. She sat there alone. 4. He came back when we were eating. 5. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake。

5、 英语基本句型-3 主谓宾结构:本结构是由“主语+及物的谓语动词+宾语”构成。


7、 如:1. Tom made a hole in the wall. 2. I don’t know if he can come tomorrow. 3. They haven’t decided where to go next. 4. She stopped teaching English two years ago. 英语基本句型-4 双宾语结构:此结构由“主语+及物谓语动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(事物)”组成。

8、如: He brings me cookies every day. 但若要先说出直接宾语(事物),后说间接宾语(人),则要借助于介词to或for。

9、如: He brings cookies to me every day. She made a beautiful dress for me. 用to侧重指动作的方向,表示朝着,向着,对着某人。

10、 用for 侧重指动作的受益者,表示为了某人,替某人。

11、 常跟双宾语的动词有:(需借助to的)bring, give, lend, hand, offer, pass, pay, promise, return, send, show, teach, tell, write, ask等; (需借助for 的) buy, call, cook, choose, draw, find, get, make, order, sing, save, spare等。

12、 英语基本句型-5 复合宾语结构: 此结构由“主语+及物的谓语动词+宾语+宾语补足语”构成。



15、 如: The sun keeps us warm. I heard him singing. They made Tom monitor. He used to do his homework with his radio on. My mother asked me to clean my room. The teacher made all students finish their homework on time. 用 it 做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面,以使句子结构平衡,是英语常用的句型结构方式。


17、如: I found it very pleasant to be with your family. 也可以说 I found it was pleasant to be with your family. 它们的区别在于第一个是简单句第二个是复合句,意思都是一样的。

18、 英语基本句型-6 There be 句型: 此句型是由“there+be+主语+状语”构成,用以表达存在关系可以称“……有……”。

19、 它其实是全倒装的一种情况,主语位于谓语动词 be 之后,there 仅为引导词,并无实际语意。

20、此句型有时不用be动词,而用 live, stand, come, go, lie, remain, exist, arrive等,但一般不用have。

21、如: There stands a hill in the middle of the park. Once upon a time there lived an old king in the town. Be 与其后的主语在人称和数量上一致,有时态和情态变化。

22、如: 现在有 there is/are … 过去有 there was/were… 将来有 there will be…;there is /are going to be... 现在已经有 there has/have been… 可能有 there might be... 肯定有 there must be …/there must have been... 过去曾经有 there used to be … 似乎有 there seems/seem/seemed to be … 碰巧有 there happen/happens/happened to be … Once, there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea. The weatherman says there’ll be a strong wind in the afternoon. There used to be a cinema here before the war. 二.并列句。

23、 结构: 1.由分号连接。

24、 eg. Some people cry; others laugh. Let’s start early; we have a long way to go. 2.由并列连词及词组连接-——and/ but /or/ so / however / still/ therefore /yet /while /otherwise /for /both…and…/not only…but also…/as well as/ or else/ either…or…/neither…nor…/not…but…等。

25、 eg: I’d like to, but I have lots of homework to do. I’ve got a cold, so I’m going to bed. Both my father and mother are teachers. It’s very good, yet I don’t like it. 三、复合句 构成:由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。



28、 分类:名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句),形容词性从 句(定语从句),副词性从句(状语从句)。

29、 主语是句子叙述的主体,可由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动名词和主语从句等来承担。

30、 谓语说明主语所发出的动作或具有的特征和状态。


32、 宾语是动作的对象或承受者,常位于及物动词或介词后面。


34、 非限定性定语从句:非限定性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常和主句间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立。

